Original Item: One of a Kind. This is a very interesting tradition that originated among troops in South East Asia during the Vietnam War. This particular Flight Suit, or “Party Suit”, belonged to Colonel Walter “Walt” C. Turnier, call sign “Gunsmoke-1”. Turnier had a long military career spanning 31 years and 3 wars, enlisting on October 19, 1942 and retiring on March 31, 1973. He held many positions and commands from the European theater of war during WWII into soaring over Vietnam in fighter jets. He even had the opportunity of being the director of a flight school that trained Japan’s first jet pilots! Following his death he was on of the few that was fortunate enough to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Section 4-D, Row 16, Site 15. This is a prime candidate for further research with a lot available on the internet, something not often encountered.
Party suits were a local and unofficial creation that arose in 1967 from the 357th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 355th Tactical Fighter Wing, stationed at Takhli Royal Thai Air Base. They created "special flight suits" in response to the 8th Tactical Fighter Wings' usage of black dyed cotton flight suits for social occasions. The use of these colorful, lightweight suits, popularly known as "Party Suits," was soon adopted by the Air Force flying units stationed at the large bases in Thailand. The tradition also quickly spread to units in South Vietnam and to a limited degree, other locations in Southeast Asia. Party suit usage was normally limited to flight personnel and those in direct support of flight operations.
Party suit colors were consistent within the unit and generally had some standard form of name, rank and unit identification. This flight suit is one of the “standard” light blue colors that was often seen being used for this tradition. Additional insignia, unofficial patches (usually humorous) and other embroidery was purely up to the creativity of the individual. While the patched insignia is not humorous in appearance, it is a familiar and popular one. The patched insignia is actually directly embroidered onto the front left side and is the infamous “Lucky Devils” devil face and horseshoe patch. There were numerous local tailors near the air bases who specialized in making party suits and embroidering the many associated custom patches.
The light and comfortable suits were ideal in the tropical environment and were worn on-base only for special social occasions in lieu of official dress uniforms, which were not commonly used in Southeast Asia. The most significant social occasion was the famous "Sawadee" party. Named for the Thai language greeting appropriate for both "hello" and "good-bye," this party welcomed newly arrived personnel and bid good-bye to those returning home.
The party suit tradition, although superficially humorous, served an important role in Air Force organizations by promoting unit integrity and maintaining an esprit de corps under the most difficult combat circumstances, while being highly valued by those who served in Southeast Asia.
The overall condition is quite nice and does show no signs, staining and minor fraying but is otherwise presented without any extensive damage. A great example that comes more than ready for further research and display.
Approximate Measurements:
Collar to shoulder: 10"
Shoulder to sleeve: 24”
Shoulder to shoulder: 18”
Chest width: 21"
Waist width: 18.5"
Front length: 60.5"